Friday, February 15, 2013

Explain Everything Workshop

Explain Everything Workshop
Lansdowne Middle School
February 15, 2013

Tim Pelton,

The Plan
·      Why are we here?
·      Exploring examples
·      Lets make something
·      Now try to build something on your own


Why are we here?

Why might iPads be useful?
·      access to content (textbooks, websites, blogs, wikis, etc.) 
·      document camera features (with an appropriate stand)
·      exploration of interactive content/activities
 – to discover relationships, to master concepts, etc.
·      consolidation of processes – to build mastery and fluency
·      demonstration of mastery and skills - by capturing a performance
·      creation of interactive activities to share understandings
·      creation of conceptual vignettes to support the learning of others.

Explain Everything (EE)– what is it?
·      Interactive whiteboard (advantages/disadvantages)
·      Explore prepared activities (class or individual)
·      Generate a screencast with audio (share, flip, extend)
·      Challenge students to create (explanation, demonstration, etc.)

Some supporting apps
·      Paper
·      Eraser
·      iMovie

Lets look at some examples:  (static)

EE Videos on youtube
·      Angles in a triangle  
·      How tall is a tree? 
·      Sum of fractions 
·      Mental math example 
·      Volume/capacity of a box 

Your turn: search on youtube  for: explain everything math

Reflection on what we’ve seen in the videos
·      What works?
·      What doesn’t work?
·      What do we want to try?

Lets look at some sample EE  projects

Download and open these activities:
·      Canadian coins 
·      Fraction Strips
·      Adding Fractions 

Reflection on what we’ve seen in the projects
·      What works?
·      What doesn’t work?
·      What do we want to try?


Tutorials on Explain Everything:

·      Overview  

·      Demonstration part 1 

·      Demonstration part 2 

Let’s make something (guided activity):
A problem solving process:
·      Understand the problem  (e.g., Angles in a Triangle)
·      Make a plan (sketch it out – e.g., ‘Paper’)
·      Carry out the plan (using various apps – EE, Paper, Eraser,…)
·      Look back (what works? what else?)


Now you try it (supported activity)

         Start with a project to demonstrate/explore something
·      What are you trying to do?
·      How are you going to do it? (sketch it out)
·      Try it out.
·      What worked? What’s next?

         Then generate a video (to share it)
·      Same goal – but now you are making a fixed presentation
·      Plan out your presentation (sketch it out, script)
·      Build it, save it, publish it
·      Evaluate it.  What’s next?